
We aim to provide accurate, current and focused reporting on the topics that matter to our business and our stakeholders.

Sustainability Disclosures

We report our business performance through our Annual Review and real estate investment fund reports, which include relevant sustainability information, as well as through various data supplements and indexes reflecting our alignment to international sustainability standards.

2023 Annual Review

An overview of our business performance for the fiscal calendar year, covering GWL Realty Advisors Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary, GWL Realty Advisors Residential.

2023 CREIF Annual Report

An overview of the Fund’s performance, with specific information on its sustainability objectives and achievements.

Data Supplements

An overview of our sustainability performance data in alignment with the GRI Standards and the Construction and Real Estate Sector Supplement (CRESS). Select environmental data has been third-party verified.

GRI Index

An overview of where relevant sustainability information is addressed, including information in our disclosures and on this corporate website.

Third-Party Verification

An independent third party has performed a limited assurance engagement for select environmental key performance indicators for Great-West Lifeco Inc., for purposes of reporting to the CDP. These select key performance indicators include the carbon footprint data for GWLRA’s office and multi-residential portfolios. You can read more about the select key performance indicators and data in scope of the assurance on the CDP website.

Sustainability Policies and Codes

We have established policies that reflect the values underpinning all our work and supported by our parent company’s Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct consolidates the business principles that apply across our organization, which is supplemented by specific policies providing direction and guidance on our approach to sustainable business processes. Examples of these directives are:

  • Business Code of Conduct
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Occupational Health & Safety Policy
  • Data Privacy Policy
  • Information Security Policy
  • Environmental Policy